Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thanx Arah, Not

Okay, so I go to tremendous effort on my part to make a blog. Yes, I did! I even talk a little about myself and then Arah has to go and tag me. Rude! I'm not sure what to say. Well, I'm not like Arah, I've never been kissed by famous rockstars or invited backstage after (left that part out didn't you, Arah?) I don't even have any famous pro football player friends. Oh, except maybe that guy I work with that played for Miami for 5 years. I guess he counts. And if I count the actors I know from the Mormon movies, I guess I'm almost caught up with Arah. (I just don't go around kissing them.) But I still think that counts as 1 fact about me. Already wishing you hadn't tagged me, Sis?
While Arah is OCD, those of you who know and love me know I take the opposite stand. My son, Jared, tried to be born with a little OCD tendency. But as a matter of survival, by the time he was two or three, it was completely stomped out. "Oh well" is one of my favorite phrases. Mom hates it. But it has served me well over the years and I believe the reason I am still sane today. Don't worry Mom, someday Arah and I will both find balance. Maybe even before you get back. Keep praying for it. It could happen. That counts as point # 2 about me.
Now for topic # 3. Again, as those of you who know me really well already know, I'm full of very strange knowledge. From QiGong, TiaChi, naturopathy, herbology, and acupressure to educational kinesiology, hypnosis, and neurolinguistic programming. Lots of other strange tidbits too, but they'd just be weird words. So I'll quit that topic. I know you love me anyway, Zeb and Steve. And some day you will admit that I am right.
For topic #4, I've never lost a leg wrestle to a guy or girl. I can lift some pretty major weight on the machines with my back (like 300 lbs., seriously. I can do 50 reps at the 200 lbs. weight. That's a lot more than most the men I see on them. And it really isn't that hard.) and I've never lost an arm wrestle to a girl. And I had I swear half my ward try. The arm wrestling thing that is. At a weird activity last year. And yes Steve, I did beat your wife. Ask her. Why is it that all the women at the activity looked at me and said, "Wow, you're a lot tougher than you look."? Do I look like a wimp? I don't think so. Julee does though and yes, Julee you are. That's okay though. You get the priviledge of eating literally 5000 calories a day and weighing less than 110 lbs. at 5'9" after having that freaking kid of yours. Can't really ask for much better than that. We all hate you though.
As for topics 5 and 6, you'll just have to stay tuned. I'm not sure what other strange information I'm willing to give up about myself.


Arah Debra said...

Good job Laura! See wasn't that fun?

Lisa said...

You write just like you talk! : )

Updates From The Outback said...

Enjoyed hearing more of your thoughts and your self-description. We miss and love you all. You each have very special talents and gifts. We have been truly blessed with five wonderful children.

Lisa said...

Hello?? Anyone there? No? Oh okay - I'll check back another time, and another, and another...

Anonymous said...

Hey,Aiden told me he likes me best! But thata O.K.,'cause I Love you all the best.Seriously, Grandpa and I must have done something right, We were blessed with the bestest familes ever . Y'all stay that way, yah hear.LOVE, Grandma G.